Dit beloof om een van 2022 se teaterhoogtepunte te wees. Lars Norén, wat beskou word as die grootste Sweedse dramaturg ná August Strindberg, se werke word wêreldwyd opgevoer en is bekend vir die emosioneel treffende aard daarvan.
“The couples don’t interact, but their stories hauntingly reflect and bounce off one another. The puzzle is revealed as the four individuals all seem to be fighting for their particular lives – not in unison but uniquely alone. It is the way the story is told and played with remarkable aplomb, the discomfort of the viewer as specific dilemmas are discussed and discarded, and the almost clinical way in which life and death are juggled. It’s the way we think we can plan our lives, the curve balls that have to be manoeuvred and manipulated, and in particular how both writer and director scramble our thought processes. It’s the originality of the piece that delivers the knockout blow.” – Diane de Beer
Ons bedink en beplan ons lewens en word soms gemanipuleer deur die realiteit. Die oorspronklikheid van hierdie werk is die ware uitklophou!